S-Track Massage Chairs are popular because they allow the massage rollers to follow the natural shape of the spine. The S-Track typically starts at the top of the neck and goes down to the lower back region.
Typically, when you think about massage chairs, you envision yourself enjoying a calm and relaxing time. But for most people, shopping for a massage chair isn't as quite the laid back process.
Between all the complicated terminology and competing technologies, you can easily get lost or overwhelmed by all the big talk.
While you're on the hunt for the perfect massage chair, you've probably read the words S-track massage chair. It's one of the most popular technologies used in building massage chairs that you should know about in order to make the best buying decision.
Today, we'll be answering the questions: what are S-track massage chairs? And what are the benefits of owning one? So let's not waste any time and dive in!
What Are S-track Massage Chairs?
If you're looking for a satisfying answer to this question, we're going to have to rewind a bit and understand what the 'track' part means and how it evolved into the 'S' version.
In the most basic sense, tracks are what holds the rollers responsible for the massaging action of the chair. Tracks are an integral part of the mechanism of any massage chair out there.
Throughout their early years, massage chairs had what we can call straight roller tracks. Imagine lying on a vibrating table, that's how uncomfortable the massage chairs were.
Such a setup didn't allow the rollers to reach your neck and lower back because they curve inwards, and it ended up focusing (or actually pounding) too hard on the mid back area.
The mismatch between the human spine and the straight track of these chairs caused problematic gaps in massage pressure.
This called for solutions to better suit the human body's shape, which is commonly referred to as an 'S'. Que the S-track concept.
The S-track got its name based on the sinusoidal or wavy curvature of the human spine. It closely mimics the ups and downs of your entire back, going forward at the neck (cervical) and lower back (lumbar) regions, and retracts at your mid-back/tailbone (thoracic/sacral) sections.
What Are The Benefits Of Owning An S-track Massage Chair?
Thanks to the trailing proximity of the S-track shape, it delivers a far more complete massage experience. The pressure is uniform traveling from your neck and shoulders all the way to your lower back, the attention is equally and sufficiently divided across your back, leaving you super refreshed and relaxed.
Massage chairs with S-track will also grant you the ability to recline back lengthening the spine, making them an excellent option for those who enjoy a good stretch.
Why choose S-Track Massage Chairs:
Uniform Pressure
S-track massage chairs provide uniform pressure traveling from your neck and shoulders all the way to your lower back, the attention is equally and sufficiently divided across your back, leaving you super refreshed and relaxed.
Great for Streching
S-track massage chairs give you the ability to recline back lengthening the spine, making them an excellent option for those who enjoy a good stretch.
Free Shipping
All massage chairs we carry ship free to the lower 48 states.
While an S-track massage chair may be right for you, be sure and do your research before purchasing. Another popular type of massage chair is the L-track massage chair, and you'll want to compare these chairs to the S-track models to see which is right for you.
If you have questions on any of our massage chairs feel free to call in and speak to one of our experts at (800) 566-2798 or you can Live Chat with us.